Simbra Spring Showcase Highlights

On the 7th of September Simbra held a breeders meeting, important details relating to the 2023 financial budget, breed improvement and breed standards were addressed and discussed with the breeders. Minutes of this meeting have been circulated to the breeders via email and can also be found on the Simbra website. A special thanks to all the breeders who attended, both in person and via Zoom. The next day the Simbra Spring Showcase Auction took place – this was an opportunity for stud and commercial buyers alike to buy some of Simbra’s elite. In the weeks leading up to the auction, all animals were screened to ensure that only animals of the highest standard were offered on auction. This event saw two bulls selling for R400 000 where the average of the bulls sold was R237 500. The highest priced heifer that was sold, fetched a price of R100 000 where the average heifer price was R77 500.

Every year Simbra hosts two prestigious events: the Verse Karanval and the Simbra Spring Showcase. The Simbra Verse Karnaval will be hosted in the first quarter of 2023. We would like to encourage breeders to identify some of their best heifers for next year’s Verse Karnaval Auction! Keep your eyes open for more information relating to the Verse Karnaval – this is an opportunity that should not be missed.